Friday, May 23, 2008

Trying to Reconnect

I find myself doing a lot of poking around on the internet these days trying to reconnect with folks I haven't seen in a long time, more specifically - people I went to junior high with at Lanier. I went to Lanier Junior High between 1979 and 1981 and had a really great circle of friends, but we all went seperate directions for high school. Some went to Bellaire, some to HSPVA. I have had a little luck, but not much - a dead end email address or two (either that or they didn't want to talk to me) and someone who will not write back.

At any rate, I thought I would post a few names of people I am trying to reconnect with in the off chance that either someone might know them or someone might be googling themselves.

Kurt Schade
Scott McEver
Reagan Wilkins
Ken Odle
Gwynneth Nolan
Nelly Kish
Krista Polk
Rachel Raun
Karen Hart
Joy Francisco
Eric VonDohlen
Barbara Rodriguez
Robert Whyburn

Currently Reading:

Next - Michael Crichton

Currently Listening to:

Dropkick Murphy - Live on St. Patrick's Day
The Best of Billie Holiday

Currently Playing:

Guitar Hero II

Last Movie I Saw:

Speed Racer

I really enjoyed it - more than I thought I would, but then again I never missed it as a kid.