I am here today to pay tribute to my stepson Michael James Cornett - Jimmy to us, Michael to his friends. On December 10, 2008 at 7:20 am, he was killed in a car accident in Manhattan, Kansas on his way to work on base at Fort Riley. I don't know where to start, except to say that he has been one of my heroes. He graduated from Bellaire High School and joined the Marines. He completed his hitch and got out right before 9/11, but then a few year later joined the reserves, got activated and went to Iraq. He had one close call that tour when his convoy was attacked and his roommate was killed, but he made it home safely. After getting back home, he switched to the Army and was sent back to Iraq where he was a forward observer for an artillery unit. Once again he made it home safely, despite a few close calls.
He was looking to make a career out of the Army, and would liked to be a drill instructor. He also had just adopted his two stepkids, despite the fact that he and his wife were splitting up. A number of people didn't understand that, but he loved Victoria and Junior so much, that he wanted to make sure they were provided for, no matter what happened. I don't have the capacity to be eloquent right now, but I wanted to get something in writing.
He was a good son, a good man, a great father , a dedicated soldier and always a Marine.
Currently Listening to
Stiff Little Fingers
The Tossers
Currently Reading
Brisingr - Christopher Paolini (just finished)
Currently Playing
World of Warcraft (no Wrath of the Lich King yet tho)
Patrick & Donna,
I am not sure if you remember me, but I am Michael's friend, Melissa. He and I met at Elsik High School and our friendship has been going strong for nearly 15 years now. I have no words that can correctly describe how I am feeling right now. Saddened, shocked and heartbroken doesn't seem to cover it all. He took a part of my heart with him; he was always there to lend an ear when I was troubled and he always knew how to make me smile. It is hard to imagine a life without him to call on. I considered him one of my heroes as well and I will truly miss him. I want you two to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for raising a man that I am proud to have called my friend.
Yes, I remember you. I am glad to get touch with you. Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot. If you have a chance, look me up on facebook - I have posted a photo album with more pictures.
My name is Sgt Lesiak, (BT) and Sgt Cornett was a very good friend of mine. I will be heading down there Tues. He was one of the greatest people Ive ever had the pleasure of being around.Theres so much to say and I miss him already........
"A number of people didn't understand that, but he loved Victoria and Junior so much, that he wanted to make sure they were provided for."
What exactly wasn't clear about that?
I would like to first state that there are several things about this tribute that hurt the two people he loved most on this earth very deeply,he never expected you his so called relative's to understand that love or why he did the things he did when it came to his true family, his wife and children. We were the ones that were there after every deployment, the ones who waited for phone calls and dreaded that knock on the door, we sent the care packages and waited for him to come home. WE PUT HIM BACK TOGETHER WHEN HE CAME HOME SO BROKEN THAT ALL HE COULD DO WAS CRY. We hold his final memories, and it is the 3 of us that keep him alive with us still today. His feelings towards you his relatives are well known to myself and his children, but they are better left unsaid. In closing I think all of you should think real hard about how he feels every time he looks down from heaven and see's the way you his relative's have treated his family,and yes that includes me his widow, BTW He told me he loved me the night before he died.... So as for me and his children are feelings are quite simple kiss our ass.....
well the feelings are NOT mutual. We wish you all the best and think his love and concern for Victoria and Junior is wonderful and a great tribute to him. I pray that they will grow and prosper and know that Mike would be proud of them, and that you will eventually find peace and healing for your grief and cherish his memory always.
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