Saturday, June 04, 2011


I would like to recommend to everyone my brother Jeremy and his wife Jenn's new venture. They have created a fresh, new world for pencil-and-paper role playing. I haven't done any pen and paper gaming in a while, but I did cut my teeth on Dungeons and Dragons, and their new project might just make me come out of retirement, as it were. to quote from the website:

Mana Punk is the fantasy role-playing game with a steam-punk twist! Create your own troll warrior with a steam powered mechanical arm to help drive their weapon swings, or be a spell slinging mage capable of commanding the very elements themselves!

This is a project he has been working on for a long time, and it has finally come to fruition. Manapunk is now available from a variety of sources, including in either PDF or hardcopy, and will shortly be available from Amazon, and hopefully in your local gaming store. Also, Manapunk can be played with just a six-sided die, so no carrying around a huge bag full of weird dice around like a geek - not that there's anything wrong with that :)

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