Sunday, August 27, 2006

6 random facts about myself

Even though this is a bit late, I thought I'd respond to Mike Hon's post with a list of my own as a way of getting back into the swing of writing posts, and give everyone an update on myself. I've had an eventful month or so. Sunday the 23rd of June I went out to lunch after church, and then over to my wife's parents house. I began to feel poorly and we left early. I figured I had gotten some bad chicken at lunch. Well I began to feel worse as the evening went on, but hoped I could sleep it off. Monday morning dawned after a sleepless night and I knew I had to get to the emergency room. I had pain in my abdomen, but it wasn't localized and I had no idea what was going on. It turns out not only did I have appendicitis, but it had burst. My surgeon said it was the worst case he had ever seen. Well, I stayed in the hospital for four days and spent the next three weeks at home watching Maury Povitch and fighting off pneumonia. They all knew I was feeling lousy because I hardly ever touched the computer. Well, not only am I feeling better, but I've lost 30 pounds. Anyway enough with that. I carry on about being sick anymore and folks will think I'm LBJ hiking up my shirt and showing my scars in public. On to the list

1. Until this event I had never in my life been either in the hospital or emergency room since I was a few months old.

2. I have recently started listening to Flogging Molly, a band best described as Irish punk.

3. When our family first got a VCR in the early 80's the two movies we rented on our initial foray to the video store were 2001 and The Apple Dumpling Gang (Don Knotts and Tim Conway if memory serves)

4. I had a pet tarantula named Jezebel for a few years

5. I have never seen the movie E.T.

6. I used to have two cats named Pork and Beans (brother and sister)

Well that's all for now, but I promise to try and post more often.

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