Friday, November 17, 2006

Bond? James Bond?

Well I have enjoyed Bond movies on TV for years and have several personal favorites that I watch when I see them on, however I don't recall having ever paid to see one in the theater until today. I suppose there haven't been inspiring Bond movies (as far as I'm concerned) since I have been old enough to have a say in what movies I attend. I enjoy most of the Sean Connery ones and the early and mid period Roger Moore ones, but after that they all start to look alike.
I was therefore surprised to find myself interested in the latest Bond movie after having seen a trailer and hearing a little about it. I shrugged when I heard the news about Pierce Brosnan being fired and Daniel Craig being cast. We went and saw it today and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Craig is not another prettyboy who seems afraid to get his suit dirty. The movie starts with him being promoted to double 0 status and portrays him as a efficient, capable killer with a penchant for excessive violence, and he doesn't play to a lot of the standard Bond cliches. When asked the eternal question, "shaken or stirred?", he responds, "Do I look like I give a damn?" Also the plot is actually interesting and not the standard "eccentric rich guy trying to take over the world from his secret hideout" scenario. The movie was a little longer than I expected but it was thoroughly enjoyable and will hopefully breath some life into a franchise that hasn't interested me in years - even when they show them free on tv. I reccommend it. Not deep but lots of fun.

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