Sunday, October 12, 2008

Where's the Beef? I'll Tell Ya Where...

I had a wild time in New Jersey. I was up there the first week of October on business, and it was my first time in that part of the country. I spent most of my time in the East Hanover area, but I had an opportunity to get together with Kelly Terrell, an old friend who is a high school drama teacher in Woodbridge. He took me into NYC to see the sights, and it was a blast. We took in Times Square at night which is something everyone should see once in their life. I also got to see a lot of the Broadway theaters and the Letterman show. Before Times Square, though, we went to a place I heartily recommend to anyone who has the means.

The place is Plataforma Churrascaria on W. 49th. Now there is a churrascaria here in Houston that I have heard great things about, but I cannot imagine it topping this place. The price is Prix-Fixe and the service is Rodizio style, which means that as long as you are interested, waiters will periodically stop by your table with a skewer of grilled meat of one type or another and slice off what you want - everything to sausage and chicken to lamb and beef. It was all incredible, but the most spectacular was the beef tenderloin wrapped in bacon.

Before the main course however, is the most spectacular salad bar I have ever seen. Calling it a salad bar is really a misnomer, actually. It features some wonderful salads, but also memorable cheeses, hearts of palm and artichoke, and a Brazilian rice and beans affair that is quite delicious. Also I had the first calamari I have ever actually enjoyed. I have a pretty adventurous palate, and will try almost anything. I have had calamari before, and it was ok, but kind of pointless. Frying may have been the culprit, because these had the consistancy of fried rubber bands with no real taste save the marinera sauce they were served with. The calamari salad at Plataforma was tender, flavorful, and very enjoyable. Add dessert and a couple of drinks and the bill was a revelation. Its not a place one would go to everyday, but on a special occasion this place will create an occasion you will never forget. The experience of a lifetime. (Kelly - I owe you a big one)

Currently Listening to:

Bruce Springsteen
Dropkick Murphy
Irish rebel music

Currently Playing:

Dark Age of Camelot

Currenly Reading:

The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall

Last Movie Seen:

Iron Man (on DVD)

great movie - Robert Downey Jr. was perfect for the part

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