Friday, February 03, 2006


I have begun this blog in an effort to flex my long-dormant writing skills, and to take advantage of the fact that it doesn't take movable type or a satellite feed to have a voice anymore, so please indulge me as I find my voice and regale you all with what will probably be a wide range of topics ranging from my latest music discoveries ( my wide ranging interests scare me sometimes) to computer gaming, coming to grips with my growing disillusionment with the state of affairs in our government and our role in the mess, spiritual pondering, be they reflections on a sermon, or the profundity of C.S. Lewis or Francis Shaeffer. and interesting meals I have eaten. My wife Donna and cat Cleopatra will probably make appearances as well. I will post as often as the muse strikes me, as often as I can. So let the experiment begin!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I was just parsing my logs and notice a link from your site, so I thought I'd drop in and say hello!